Fencing contractors play an integral role in promoting the privacy of any commercial property. Security can be achieved with a myriad of fencing materials such as concrete, wood and PVC. However, the chain link fence is arguably the cheapest and easiest to install. Despite this, it is common for a rookie fencing contractor to make mistakes when erecting a chain link fence on a commercial property. Unfortunately, some of these mistakes might seem subtle, but they have a tremendous impact on the integrity of the fence. This article highlights these mistakes and why rookies should avoid the blunders.
1. Pounding Posts -- When erecting a chain link fence, contractors can opt to secure the posts with concrete. It makes the fence sturdier and protects the lower part of the post from underground pests and rotting. However, you can still erect chain link fence posts without concrete, but you need to burry fence posts deep into the ground and backfill the holes with soil. It is at the backfilling phase where most rookie fencing contractors make a mistake. Instead of pounding on the backfilling to ensure the structural integrity of the posts, some contractors pound on the posts. The action often bends the posts out of shape thereby affecting their longevity adversely.
2. Wrong Choice of Backfill -- The backfill you use around the posts for a chain link fence determines the quality of service that each fence post provides. Therefore, you must be very careful with your choice of fence post backfill material. For instance, if you are going to erect the chain link fence on an area with clay soil, then you need a backfill material that allows adequate flow of water. In this case, gravel is the backfill material of choice for the fence posts because it enables water to flow freely around the post. If you use the soil that you extracted from the holes, then water will not drain effectively at the base of each post. Consequently, it encourages rotting, and the chain link fence will not last long as it should.
3. Not Confirming Property Lines -- Although a fencing contractor's role is limited to erecting fences around a designated space, it is discouraging to have to stop midway through your contract because of property line issues. However, it is a situation that most rookie fencing contractors have faced before. As a fencing contractor, take it upon yourself and ask your client to confirm the property lines from their surveyor before you start putting up the chain link fence. Taking the initiative will protect you from unnecessary and unpaid remedial work that is caused by a client's ignorance.
For more information on chain link fencing, contact your local contractors.